Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Friday, June 1, 2007

This Blog is Dedicated to:

Squicky (passed away), Meganuddin, Tintin, Smirnov, Jalapeno, Kahlua, Bali, Ketupat, Ratman (passed away), Patso, Padja, Zvjer, Scruffy dan my other cats that I cannot mention their names all, one by one.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Nation of the Great Thinkers?

Well... Lets see. I am a member of a mailing list called ´Psikologi Transformatif´ (Transformative Pshycology) And, the way I see it, that mailing list is one of the most ´crowded´ Yahoogroup in Indonesia. Filled by different academic backgrounds, some are with well known names and from -also well known- educational institutions of Indonesia.

You can easily find a bunch of people talking about their views of how the nation should be developed, of course by talking, talking and talking.
One of the most funny thing I ever experienced was, there were some folks talking of how to folding the time and space in order to reach the Alpha Centaury! Wow, hollllarious! Considering we -Indonesian- not even put our stinky feet on the moon!

I joined the group, basicly is to see it as an ´aquarium of words´ watching how these people enjoying them selves, spending their time by talking, talking and talking. As my ´Kopitalistic´ term is N.A.T.O.: No Action Talk Only!

I do enjoying my self there, specially when I throw a stupid -some might say crazy- question, just to watch them to laugh to them selves, such as ´Can a donut be a symbol of a religion?´ (I even build a blog for that specific question. It´s called ´Hole spirit´, click here.)

Here I go again! Watching how smart and brilliant they are -so they think- that they can somehow explain how they can reach the Alpha Centaury by simply folding the time and space, I would like see how they could justify them selves as ´Indonesian´. And is it possible to justify it by ´how stinky your feet, are?´...

None of them giving me satisfaction answer! They cannot even explain themselves, how could they justify themselves as ´Indonesian´... And they are ready to reach the Alpha Centaury ???...

Hollarious!... What else can I say?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Brains of Photo Copy Machine (2007)

padahal kita sadar, tapi seperti tertidur...
beramai terbuai terperosok.. .

skali lagi, ini bukan suara sentimentil, hanya sedikit kritik tuk menggapi topik!
tuk smua (yang merasa) calon arsitek, saatx tuk bertanya ke diri sendiri : "kuliah di arsitektur pasti jadi arsitek ndak yah...?"

pertanyaan lugu? memang iya, makanya ndak perlu dijawab dengan penjelasan panjang, cukup liat realitas :
- sebagian besar (mungkin semuanya) mahasiswa arsitektur tidak tau bikin konsep rancangan dari skenario gagasannya sendiri, karna tugas2 yang dibuat adalah turun temurun warisan kakak kelas!
- wawasan arsitektural mahasiswa arsitektur paling tinggi seputaran cara menggambar yang baik dan benar!
- ekspresi kreatifitas yang harusnya jadi karakter mahasiswa arsitektur kurang terlihat di kampus!
- etc

mungkin ini salah satu hulu dari krisis identitas yang dimaksud, sederhananya, pembentukan karakter pada masa perkuliahan akan mempengaruhi identitas personal lulusan sekolah tertentu, apalagi untuk jurusan profesi seperti arsitektur!

belum terlambat tuk berbenah menuju "the real" arsitek!
dhiny hary (a'99)

(From Architecture Mailing List, by No Name, May 4th, 2007.)

Six days later...

dear rekan
saya baru menemukan bahwa tulisan saya di blog ttg Henry Dunant,
dimuat di kabar indonesia ( )
dan diakui sebagai tulisan Sdr Bambang Eko Nugrahanto

ini merupakan bentuk plagiat dan pelanggaran hak cipta?

-- rusle' --
::: mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, malilu sipakainge :::

(From Makassar Mailing List, by Ruslee, May 10th, 2007)

Those are two different tophics that I would like -and proudly- to mention in here.

First it is a voice of concerns from an Architect, who worried about their ´Architectural identity,´ by saying how the students are prefer to copied ther senior`s works. And those students were not even bothered to use their own thoughts and creativities for their own studies.

The second is about one article that had been being copy-pasted by another person into one known ´citizen journalism´ media called Khabar Indonesia. (welcome to ´open´ source, but it´s not that ´open´, haha..)

The article named ´Henry Dunant dan Sensifitas Kita´ (Henry Dunant and Our Sensifities) was wrtitten in order to celebrate the Red Cross International Day, by Ruslee Noertika.

This tophic of copy-pasting without any respect to someone´s intellectual works and efforts, is still very hot, since I mentioned it into the Blog Family website, called BlogFam ( ) Where almost all Bloggers through out Indonesia are gathered.

What amazes me that, there were already several cases had been happened before. One by one they would speak up there, or any other ways.

Ah, ya. Those two ´bad songs´ are not all, if I have to mention of how many sinetrons (cinema electronic, soap opera) in some big mailing lists, are being suggested as nothing but a ´photo copy´ from many other soap operas from Korea, Japan, etc.

We are coming into an era called ´free´ market (is it?), and this ´original idea´ of me called BrainTrading, would some how - I hope- helping our economic and spiritual growth. Wait, hold on. I know, you ask that, but I already explain it into one of my still in the writing process of ´PatanYali´ novel series, how could the BrainTrading would help our spiritual growth.

Consider this, we do have all the sources, natural, energies, menpower, the beauty of nature and variety of culture, the sun, etc, you name it. But, thanks to all Thinkers, Academists, Professors, Educational Institutions (I bet those things requested a huge chunks of Dollar$.) And the result is, we Indonesians are still left behind of our very close neighbours, Malaysia, Singapore, so on.

˝How can?˝ One of the Head of Tourism Board of Makassar once asked me. What he really asked was ˝How come?˝

In Indonesian language ´how come´ translated as ´bagaimana bisa?´ while ´bisa´ can be translated as ´can´ in English. So I deeply and humbly ask for mercy, for both me and him about our English skills.

There are some funky things happening in this language matters. For example, in South Sulawesi, we have a Hero that has a symbol of ´Ayam Jantan Dari Timur.´ What is the ´Ayam Jantan´ means in English? Yes! Cock!
So, we called our own brave and beloved Hero as ´Cock From the East!.´ See? What an amazing people we are.

Back to the track, BrainTrading idea.

Yes, we already produced some internationaly known product as you called it ´the maids.´A damn high quality export commodity to -mainly- Saudi Arabia.

So, please if, or incase you are -or whomever out there- looking for some kind of second hand -but more likely original- brain, for transplantation to increase the understanding between you and your pets for example (or whatever purposes) We -Indonesians- are proudly produces those kind of ´products.´ We are going to make some list of their names and trade marks, here.

You might ask, what these amazing phenomenons have to do with my novel?

Well, this is the fun part, for me at least. I am some kind of guy, when you throw a donut in front of my lovely face, I could immediately explain that how a donut can be a symbol of a religion.

So, dont miss my the next ´neuron chit-chats´...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Is Philosophy Can Be Fun?

I´d thought so...

Recently, I went thru most of all mailing lists listed in Indonesian language, and I was quiet supprised - shocked I might say- when I found out that mailing list of ´Filsafat´ (philosophy) is so dry, poor and empty.

Most of the postings are based on -literaly- textbook thinkings, and often is not match with the context of living nowdays. And when there are topics being posted, mainly about ´religion´ topics, or some short of ´history´.

Where -in my opinion- ´religion´ for some short it can´t be considered as ´philosophy´ because the thoughts categorized as ´philosophy´ -as we all know- is focused on the human and humanity which is -continously and constantly- ´up-dated´ in it´s current social contexts. (I know some of you would think that this statement of mine -on the paragraph above- is still debatable. But I would like to leave it into another thread of discussion. At least, not in this blog.)
This phenomenon -I might say- put me into a -temporarily- conclusion (question) : Is Philosophy requires -something- very serious and deep in the state of mind?

So, I went to ´Prof. Google´ feeding him/her with the keyword of ´fun philosophies´. The results were, no single sentence contented by those two words, ´fun´ and ´philosophies´ are merged as one.

But, I still believe that there is someone out there, have their toughts and philosophies about something, which is meaningful, deep thoughts, but unique and fun as well... If you are the one that I meant by this ´Fun Philosophers´ please share your thoughts and links into this blog, or if you actualy know any other links that match with the criteria, please leave your comments.

This blog of ´Fun Philosophies´ is where I would gathered all the thoughts, contributed by those people who have put themselves -minds and mentaly- to bring their thoughts in order to give more meanings in this live, with their ´unique´ and ´fun´ ways.

´Fun Philosophies´ can be based on businesss, sports, parentings, cookings, arts, politics, social and cultural fields as well as life in general.

For example:
Is a somekind of 'perspective' or a way to see things as a 'cartoon' and caricature'. From a mind and mental frames to the socio-cultural and political levels.
Terminology of "Kopitalisme" is taken from the words of "Kopi" and "Kental". Which means "Thick/Black Coffee" to match it with the context of English language. The word of "isme" is just a parody. Created by I. Amannagappa.

Category: Economic-Socio-Cultural and Globalization. Country: Indonesia. Website:

philoSophie’s ™ are fun thoughts on life that have evolved into inspirations on friendship, love, and confidence. The character, Sophie, is brought to life by both original drawings and quotes from creator, Joanna Alberti.
Her fun spirit and outlook on life are ideals all women should live by.Each philoSophie is hand embellished. Sophie’s charm is accentuated with the use of glitter and blush.

Category: Business, Online Store. Country: United States. Website: