padahal kita sadar, tapi seperti tertidur...
beramai terbuai terperosok.. .
skali lagi, ini bukan suara sentimentil, hanya sedikit kritik tuk menggapi topik!
tuk smua (yang merasa) calon arsitek, saatx tuk bertanya ke diri sendiri : "kuliah di arsitektur pasti jadi arsitek ndak yah...?"
pertanyaan lugu? memang iya, makanya ndak perlu dijawab dengan penjelasan panjang, cukup liat realitas :
- sebagian besar (mungkin semuanya) mahasiswa arsitektur tidak tau bikin konsep rancangan dari skenario gagasannya sendiri, karna tugas2 yang dibuat adalah turun temurun warisan kakak kelas!
- wawasan arsitektural mahasiswa arsitektur paling tinggi seputaran cara menggambar yang baik dan benar!
- ekspresi kreatifitas yang harusnya jadi karakter mahasiswa arsitektur kurang terlihat di kampus!
- etc
mungkin ini salah satu hulu dari krisis identitas yang dimaksud, sederhananya, pembentukan karakter pada masa perkuliahan akan mempengaruhi identitas personal lulusan sekolah tertentu, apalagi untuk jurusan profesi seperti arsitektur!
belum terlambat tuk berbenah menuju "the real" arsitek!
dhiny hary (a'99)
(From Architecture Mailing List, by No Name, May 4th, 2007.)
Six days later...
dear rekan
saya baru menemukan bahwa tulisan saya di blog ttg Henry Dunant,
dimuat di kabar indonesia ( )
dan diakui sebagai tulisan Sdr Bambang Eko Nugrahanto
ini merupakan bentuk plagiat dan pelanggaran hak cipta?
-- rusle' --
::: mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, malilu sipakainge :::
(From Makassar Mailing List, by Ruslee, May 10th, 2007)
Those are two different tophics that I would like -and proudly- to mention in here.
First it is a voice of concerns from an Architect, who worried about their ´Architectural identity,´ by saying how the students are prefer to copied ther senior`s works. And those students were not even bothered to use their own thoughts and creativities for their own studies.
The second is about one article that had been being copy-pasted by another person into one known ´citizen journalism´ media called Khabar Indonesia. (welcome to ´open´ source, but it´s not that ´open´, haha..)
The article named ´Henry Dunant dan Sensifitas Kita´ (Henry Dunant and Our Sensifities) was wrtitten in order to celebrate the Red Cross International Day, by Ruslee Noertika.
This tophic of copy-pasting without any respect to someone´s intellectual works and efforts, is still very hot, since I mentioned it into the Blog Family website, called BlogFam ( ) Where almost all Bloggers through out Indonesia are gathered.
What amazes me that, there were already several cases had been happened before. One by one they would speak up there, or any other ways.
Ah, ya. Those two ´bad songs´ are not all, if I have to mention of how many sinetrons (cinema electronic, soap opera) in some big mailing lists, are being suggested as nothing but a ´photo copy´ from many other soap operas from Korea, Japan, etc.
We are coming into an era called ´free´ market (is it?), and this ´original idea´ of me called BrainTrading, would some how - I hope- helping our economic and spiritual growth. Wait, hold on. I know, you ask that, but I already explain it into one of my still in the writing process of ´PatanYali´ novel series, how could the BrainTrading would help our spiritual growth.
Consider this, we do have all the sources, natural, energies, menpower, the beauty of nature and variety of culture, the sun, etc, you name it. But, thanks to all Thinkers, Academists, Professors, Educational Institutions (I bet those things requested a huge chunks of Dollar$.) And the result is, we Indonesians are still left behind of our very close neighbours, Malaysia, Singapore, so on.
˝How can?˝ One of the Head of Tourism Board of Makassar once asked me. What he really asked was ˝How come?˝
In Indonesian language ´how come´ translated as ´bagaimana bisa?´ while ´bisa´ can be translated as ´can´ in English. So I deeply and humbly ask for mercy, for both me and him about our English skills.
There are some funky things happening in this language matters. For example, in South Sulawesi, we have a Hero that has a symbol of ´Ayam Jantan Dari Timur.´ What is the ´Ayam Jantan´ means in English? Yes! Cock!
So, we called our own brave and beloved Hero as ´Cock From the East!.´ See? What an amazing people we are.
Back to the track, BrainTrading idea.
Yes, we already produced some internationaly known product as you called it ´the maids.´A damn high quality export commodity to -mainly- Saudi Arabia.
So, please if, or incase you are -or whomever out there- looking for some kind of second hand -but more likely original- brain, for transplantation to increase the understanding between you and your pets for example (or whatever purposes) We -Indonesians- are proudly produces those kind of ´products.´ We are going to make some list of their names and trade marks, here.
You might ask, what these amazing phenomenons have to do with my novel?
Well, this is the fun part, for me at least. I am some kind of guy, when you throw a donut in front of my lovely face, I could immediately explain that how a donut can be a symbol of a religion.
So, dont miss my the next ´neuron chit-chats´...
beramai terbuai terperosok.. .
skali lagi, ini bukan suara sentimentil, hanya sedikit kritik tuk menggapi topik!
tuk smua (yang merasa) calon arsitek, saatx tuk bertanya ke diri sendiri : "kuliah di arsitektur pasti jadi arsitek ndak yah...?"
pertanyaan lugu? memang iya, makanya ndak perlu dijawab dengan penjelasan panjang, cukup liat realitas :
- sebagian besar (mungkin semuanya) mahasiswa arsitektur tidak tau bikin konsep rancangan dari skenario gagasannya sendiri, karna tugas2 yang dibuat adalah turun temurun warisan kakak kelas!
- wawasan arsitektural mahasiswa arsitektur paling tinggi seputaran cara menggambar yang baik dan benar!
- ekspresi kreatifitas yang harusnya jadi karakter mahasiswa arsitektur kurang terlihat di kampus!
- etc
mungkin ini salah satu hulu dari krisis identitas yang dimaksud, sederhananya, pembentukan karakter pada masa perkuliahan akan mempengaruhi identitas personal lulusan sekolah tertentu, apalagi untuk jurusan profesi seperti arsitektur!
belum terlambat tuk berbenah menuju "the real" arsitek!
dhiny hary (a'99)
(From Architecture Mailing List, by No Name, May 4th, 2007.)
Six days later...
dear rekan
saya baru menemukan bahwa tulisan saya di blog ttg Henry Dunant,
dimuat di kabar indonesia ( )
dan diakui sebagai tulisan Sdr Bambang Eko Nugrahanto
ini merupakan bentuk plagiat dan pelanggaran hak cipta?
-- rusle' --
::: mali siparappe, rebba sipatokkong, malilu sipakainge :::
(From Makassar Mailing List, by Ruslee, May 10th, 2007)
Those are two different tophics that I would like -and proudly- to mention in here.
First it is a voice of concerns from an Architect, who worried about their ´Architectural identity,´ by saying how the students are prefer to copied ther senior`s works. And those students were not even bothered to use their own thoughts and creativities for their own studies.
The second is about one article that had been being copy-pasted by another person into one known ´citizen journalism´ media called Khabar Indonesia. (welcome to ´open´ source, but it´s not that ´open´, haha..)
The article named ´Henry Dunant dan Sensifitas Kita´ (Henry Dunant and Our Sensifities) was wrtitten in order to celebrate the Red Cross International Day, by Ruslee Noertika.
This tophic of copy-pasting without any respect to someone´s intellectual works and efforts, is still very hot, since I mentioned it into the Blog Family website, called BlogFam ( ) Where almost all Bloggers through out Indonesia are gathered.
What amazes me that, there were already several cases had been happened before. One by one they would speak up there, or any other ways.
Ah, ya. Those two ´bad songs´ are not all, if I have to mention of how many sinetrons (cinema electronic, soap opera) in some big mailing lists, are being suggested as nothing but a ´photo copy´ from many other soap operas from Korea, Japan, etc.
We are coming into an era called ´free´ market (is it?), and this ´original idea´ of me called BrainTrading, would some how - I hope- helping our economic and spiritual growth. Wait, hold on. I know, you ask that, but I already explain it into one of my still in the writing process of ´PatanYali´ novel series, how could the BrainTrading would help our spiritual growth.
Consider this, we do have all the sources, natural, energies, menpower, the beauty of nature and variety of culture, the sun, etc, you name it. But, thanks to all Thinkers, Academists, Professors, Educational Institutions (I bet those things requested a huge chunks of Dollar$.) And the result is, we Indonesians are still left behind of our very close neighbours, Malaysia, Singapore, so on.
˝How can?˝ One of the Head of Tourism Board of Makassar once asked me. What he really asked was ˝How come?˝
In Indonesian language ´how come´ translated as ´bagaimana bisa?´ while ´bisa´ can be translated as ´can´ in English. So I deeply and humbly ask for mercy, for both me and him about our English skills.
There are some funky things happening in this language matters. For example, in South Sulawesi, we have a Hero that has a symbol of ´Ayam Jantan Dari Timur.´ What is the ´Ayam Jantan´ means in English? Yes! Cock!
So, we called our own brave and beloved Hero as ´Cock From the East!.´ See? What an amazing people we are.
Back to the track, BrainTrading idea.
Yes, we already produced some internationaly known product as you called it ´the maids.´A damn high quality export commodity to -mainly- Saudi Arabia.
So, please if, or incase you are -or whomever out there- looking for some kind of second hand -but more likely original- brain, for transplantation to increase the understanding between you and your pets for example (or whatever purposes) We -Indonesians- are proudly produces those kind of ´products.´ We are going to make some list of their names and trade marks, here.
You might ask, what these amazing phenomenons have to do with my novel?
Well, this is the fun part, for me at least. I am some kind of guy, when you throw a donut in front of my lovely face, I could immediately explain that how a donut can be a symbol of a religion.
So, dont miss my the next ´neuron chit-chats´...
Well said.
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How to Rip Music CD to Audio Files with Xilisoft Audio Maker
How to Rip Music CD to Audio Files with Xilisoft Audio Maker ?
1. Select Music CD Ripper function by clicking ?Rip? tab.
2. Load Music CD by clicking the ?Select CD Drive? on the main interface, or click ?Select CD Drive? in the ?File? menu. Xilisoft Audio Maker will auto-detect all drives on your computer and select the one you input your audio CD.
3. After you load the Music CD, Xilisoft Audio Maker will auto-dectect the CD-ROM and list all of the tracks for you. Select one/several tracks to extract. Then you can specify the target format by selecting Profile combo-box for one or several tracks.
4. Set output mode: After selecting certain output format, the right panel will show general standard of the format, such as: Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Codec, etc. By clicking certain setting, you may specify it , or just keep the default settings.
Tips: there are two modes ? Simple Mode and Professional Mode.
With Simple Mode , you can adjust the output settings by sliding the slider. You can select the mode by clicking the button.
With Professional Mode , you can adjust more professional preferences by adjust the Preference List, such as: Duration, ID3, Volume, Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Codec, etc. You can select the mode by clicking the button.
5. Of course, you can edit the album information and set output path. Enter ?Artist?, ?Generic?, ?Album?, etc, information of your music in ?Album? area. The other method which is better is reading track info. from CDDB.
6. To set the folder that you want to save your target files, you may select the output folder by clicking ?Browse?? button or directly enter a path in the ?Destination? box. ?C:Temp? is set as the default destination folder.
7. At the last step, just click ?Convert? button to start your conversion. You can see ?Completed? under the ?Status? column which means you got a successful conversion.
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Ideas on How to satisfy Women with the Shopping mall
If you are usually just one guy and aren't the most desirable at discovering significantly much less meeting girls and are questioning where you may head to find and connect with a female, then these ten reasonable recommendations on how to meet a young girl for the shopping mall, need to appear in mighty handy.
1 - Go to the food court. Believe it or not, the food court will be absolute greatest site while in the local mall to fulfill a toddler. Here's what you do. Pick a foodstuff place and get in line for the meal. Even though you’re in line, appearance close to the location in which everybody is sitting down and eating. Start looking for a young lady sitting down alone, as well as two ladies sitting down together. When you have your meal in hand, walk above to somewhere she or they can indeed be sitting down and find out if you're able to join them. If you're truthful and straightforward with them, your odds are pretty effective.
2- Do some thinking. Previously you even consider proceeding with the local mall to fulfill a female, sit by yourself down and do some severe contemplating. Bear in mind how you would possibly deal with a chick and what you may say to her if you can be thriving. Think about which components to the mall you would stop by. Also, you're going to ought to acquire a thing although there, what do you would like? Ultimately, consider what meeting a young girl in a public destination entails. Unquestionably you'll be required to check for the wedding ring just before speaking with a woman, and you might would need to look at if it's wiser to speak to some young lady alone or a single who's with other people. As a final point, you will have to become sensible about your own age and the ages within the girl you want to meet. As in, you can have to inform your self to become realistic and do not check out to satisfy women which are substantially younger or older than you're the one, or that take a look out of your respective league.
3 - Ask for boost. As soon as you might be at last for the shopping mall, a person to the procedures to meet girls is by asking them for help out. Women be aware that men have no strategy what they're working on once they are purchasing, so asking for advice won't appear such a ridiculous concept. Ask for facilitate in picking out a jacket for yourself for instance. Engaging in so let's the woman know that you simply are single. If she agrees to help you, ask her other questions as you grab many jackets to have a shot at on.
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i want to meet a nice girl [/url] that internet site, but it in actuality didn't look as if to give alot of sense to me. Can someone please help me? It's so exhausting to foregather the chick of my dreams.
So I did it -- bought myself a [url=]Fatman iTube Valvedock[/url] and I've gotta tell ya I made out like a bandit. I actually listened to one at a friend's house several months back and just couldn't get that quality out of my head because it blew me away. I searched everywhere for a great deal and finally found it at [url=]Ordio[/url] in Westfield Bondi Junction. I phoned them first and asked every question I could think of and everything was answered to my satisfaction so I went ahead and bought it. Dispatch was fast. Everything was perfect. I'm pretty darn happy and I'm playing it right now. Not sure if they post outside of Oz but you won't be sorry if they do.
Very nice...
Just saying hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read. - [url=]Online Shopping[/url] for Christmas
It appears each and every yr most people begin browsing before and before for Christmas. Final 12 many weeks I began with the starting of October and had all of the shows wrapped through the end on the month. This yr I began even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid yr revenue.
Visit Now : Shopping Online
Why Store Previously
Buying before has two principal benefits - obtaining more desirable discounts and avoiding the vacation rush. Nonetheless it has its drawbacks as well. A serious number of toy and game producers specially, only launch their most recent goods extremely near for the holidays. This suggests that if you're likely to store inside the center with the calendar year, you won't have the ability to have the most up-to-date objects in the marketplace. One way to have roughly this would be to pre-order. Actually pre-ordering items may even fetch you deals and totally free presents.
[url=]Christmas Shopping[/url]
But in a substantial selection of instances, should you maintain your eyes open, you can actually get healthier bargains while in the slow or off season, retail smart. A fantastic multitude of mobile phone producers launch their newest types all through the center on the calendar year. This indicates that previous types is going to be likely at rock bottom rates about two several weeks prior to the launch on the replacement.
Some consumers carry searching previously for the severe but browsing appropriate right after the holidays for those subsequent holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even superior than pre-holiday revenue as departmental merchants make an effort to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous special discounts.
Needful Adjustments
Moving up Christmas hunting a number of several weeks will take just fairly adjustment, spending budget sensible, specifically for the duration of the very first calendar year in the timetable alter. Nonetheless it doesn't carry a whole lot to acquire used to it. Its just a matter of maintaining to some set routine of placing just just a little bit money apart for exposes.
The Gift Conundrum
Apart from producing purchases in the course of revenue, choosing in bulk can conserve you quite a lot of money. Its usually fine to break recipients into a number of groups very first - near family and friends people, household, near close friends, mates, colleagues - you receive the concept. Performing so makes it possible for you to organize your choosing more suitable. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant household and other people.
Obviously you'd wish to purchase way more individual and thoughtful presents for that men and women closer for you. But for a lot more generic presents, I advise pack hunting, which can be just like pack hunting, only nicer.
Pack buying right here signifies gathering a few of buddies with comparable buying lists after which acquiring in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other most people with regards to generic presents. You may uncover that you’re able to get truly great presents like wine glasses at undoubtedly awesome rates whenever you pack store.
excellent writing .
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1) Внутренняя оптимизация - это работа с наполнением сайта; тексты, html-код, структура сайта и тд.
Всё это необходимо привести в соответствие с требованиями релевантности поисковых систем.
2) Внешние факторы - это количество и качество ссылающихся ресурсов на Ваш сайт. Чем больше сайтов цитируют (ставят ссылки, рекомендуют) Ваш сайт, тем авторитетнее он выглядит в глазах поисковых систем.
Важно, проводив SEO для сайта, не использовать запрещенные методы продвижения, иначе это может негативно сказаться на позициях вплоть до полного исключения сайта из индекса поисковой системы.
Вот, вкратце, из чего состоит SEO, как продвижение сайта. Это всё конечно поверхностно, потому как каждый из этих пунктов имеет множество этапов, нюансов и правил.
Особый пакет услуг SEO. Стоимость от 300 у.е.
Особый пакет услуг – это разовый комплекс работ над вашим сайтом, направленый на то, чтобы сделать его наиболее оптимизированным под поисковые системы. Приблизительные сроки выполнения - 4-6 недель.
Этап 1
Анализ SEO состояния сайта
Обзор сайта, планирование оптимизации и продвижения
Анализ сайтов "конкурентов"
Анализ и подбор ключевых слов
Оптимизация мета-данных (подбор ключевых слов, заголовков, описаний)
Оптимизация кода (первое предложение, тэги H1, жирный и курсив текст и т.д.)
Интегрирование системы для обмена ссылками
Этап 2
Создание карты сайта
Создание динамической RSS ленты новостей
Оптимизация ссылок (Search Engine Friendly URLs)
Проверка кода на соответствие стандартам W3C
Этап 3
Регистрация в поисковых системах и каталогах
Оптимизация контента
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